Which Amp to complete my system?

Need amp recommendations to complete my system.
Front end is PSA BHK + PSA DirectStream w/ net-bridge.  Speakers are Klipsch La Scala II.  Love horn speakers but want to ensure the amp is not additionally bright.
I totally agree with you analogluvr and I'm a huge fan of EL84 amps.  I used to sell Klipsch at retail many years ago (early 90's) and we always had them featured with a high powered Yamaha or Denon receiver and I hated them.  Then I bought a pair of KG3.5's (94 db) and put a 5 wpc single ended EL84 amp on them and they really came to life.  I have since heard other low powered tube amps coupled with horn speakers and it was magical.  Many years ago, at the Stereophile Single Ended Symposium in Philadelphia, I heard 104 db Classic Audio Reproductions horn speakers with a myriad of very high end SET's in a large 40' x 40' room through a CAT SL1 preamp and Sony's $5K flagship SACD player.  Of all the SET amp I heard that day (using 845's, 211's, 300B's and 2A3's) from Audio Note, Berning, Cary and several others, to me the best sound was the least expensive and lowest powered Fi 2A3 monoblocks by Don Garber.  I was amazed that 3 wpc could fill that large room as it did.  

If it were me, I would only look at low powered SET amps for these speakers.  
I totally agree with myself the Sophia Electric 300B mono blocks would sound great. Go with tubes and enjoy that lush full sound that SS ain't going to give you...
I have owned my fair shar of tube amps, including: Rogue M150 monos, Joule Electra monos, Accoustat OTLs (with Accoustat speakers)...

If I was to consider tubes again it would be Still amp, which I read about in a review. I was so impressed, I contacted him. Very nice person, supreme quality
Thanks all...  Keep the "tube" recommendations coming.  I tried my Coiencident Frankie-II again and the impedance match just does not let the Frankie breath.  It's the best amp I have ever heard but on other speakers.  I'm set on my PSA front end so I am not looking at any integrated amps but the Still does sound interesting none the less.  It's been a few years since I have been active in the marketplace but am targeting to stay below ~$4k used.