New/ Used speakers, 500-800 bucks CAD

Hello all,

Just got my sugden A48b back from repair. Still running the same old rotel rcd971 cd player with rega ara speakers.

I have a sony ps1 coming soon, which i may end up using as a source... (i want to see what all the talk's about...)

Although I like the Aras for what they are (punchy, tuneful), I want a more open sounding speaker which would mate well w/ my somewhat warm sugden.

My room is about 9 x 15 with the speakers on the long wall (although the room is mostly open to the kitchen, extending the width further). The room is a bit dead sounding, as well, just fyi.

I'm open to any suggestions for used speakers in the 500-800 dollar range which might fit the bill.

thanks !
btw - never been a B&W fan or a PSB fan, for that matter. In both cases, i think better can be had for the money (yes, even with PSB's new line).

Anyone here use Audio Physic speakers?
I heard your Sugden with a pair of Audio Physic Yara's (I think) - small, slim floorstanders- and loved the sound.... Very nice and open - big soundstage and great tonality. I thought it was a real nice budget system. It was some time ago, so memory is a little shaky. But, I'm thinking the source was EAR CD player (another nice piece for the money).....


Pair of Silverlines available on Audiogon right now, could try and resell at little or no loss if not satisfied.

Interesting take on Quad and Totem Arro - haven't heard with your amp, but thought both would work. Just goes to show how system/room/listener dependent speaker performance can be.

Probably difficult to find Audio Physics at this price point.
KNownothing - the arro DOES mate well with the sugden, but i want a little 'more' of a speaker - one with a bit more authority, even if only a little. I do like the arro, mind you, but I'm looking for a step above, if possible.

I'm not sure why, but the quads 12l's sounded clammy to me...congested, which is why i bet they simply weren't broken in properly yet.

I like the Yara, but yes, too expensive.
Daber Audio Monitor 2's are under $1k brand new, so I'm sure they can be found new for less than $800. I would sell you mine for $650. They are amazing, and I am upgrading to the new Daber Audio SE2 which costs a bit more.