Sonus Faber replacement parts

To all Sonus Faber owners who have purchased used, as Sonus Faber will not sell parts for speakers that were not purchased from an authorized dealer, how have you handled the need for part replacement and/or repair. I have been very interested in used Cremonas, but have been a little detered by the company's policy. Thanks in advance.
if you buy from oversea, you can still ask the seller to obtain parts for you from their local distributor. not very difficult and there are always people who are willing to help.
Bought S.F. on A'Gon, long story short they came damaged. I contacted Sumiko and they put me in touch with a local dealer who was able to replace the woofer and tweeter. The speakers were originally sold by an authorzed u.s. Retailer so all went well.
Thanks for all of your responses.

Ebe, that's good to hear, that eases my mind a little in case I decide to go with the Cremona and eventually need somre repair. Thanks again.
I'm missing a couple of gold screw on sleeves on the back jacks of my Sonus Faber Concerto's that allows for a speaker wire to slip into a slot and then the sleeve screws down onto it. I use banana plugs so I'm up and running, but would like to have the sleeves...(I know they're called something else.) And help with Sonus Faber or other sleeves that would work would be great..!