linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
I just got into vinyl a few years ago after hearing an older Linn in my AV showroom. My colleague brought his in and connected to our McIntosh demo system prior to the Mcintosh MT5 arrival. Hearing that LP12 play so much more musically than all the digital I had been accustomed to was an eye opener and I needed it. I then acquired through trade a fairly modern LP 12 withal serial number in the 95,000's. I think it was made in early 2,000's. I upgraded to the Lingo 4. It has an Akito with Adikt cart.  No keel or kore yet. My friend who set it up said it was hardly used and in great shape. The problem he mentioned is with the Akito headshell and the fact that you can’t properly fit any cartridge onto it. He got to what he considers 70% of Peak performance, and its offset a bit on the headshell. He said if I want to grind off the connection pins on the arm and solder the connections instead, I would then be able to move the cart back further where it belongs. Unfortunately this would permanently alter the arm and who knows what happens to resell value. He said he has laid into Linn on many occasions for manufacturing this arm. He recommends I get a used ekos2. 

For what it’s worth I brought the MT 5 home and have done direct comparisons. The Linn definitely sounds better to me. Larger soundstage and more musicality, liveliness. I was even biased toward liking the MT5 because my wife likes the look and matches the other Mcintosh I have. 

Im being told don’t ever get rid of this table. 

@dsholl1 Just like you are quite the expert in Linn tables.
Only difference is that I have heard the Kuzma on many occasions and with varying systems. Just like you have with the Linn...right??

its quite sad that you just can’t respect anyone else’s experiences and have to cast dispersions 
as to their credibility if they don’t agree with yours. It’s almost like you have to “Trump” anyone’s negative experiences with an LP12. 

Once again to answer the @theoriginalthor1 

Not many people buy Linn anymore because they are overpriced and better turntables can be had for equal or less money. 

They have a distinct sound that appeals to some. 

Unfortunately, some of that “some” have to inflict their rightness on the rest of us analog lovers,  which does nothing to help attract people to the Linn portfolio. 

@dsholl1   How ironic coming from the man who likes to post ad hominem's! 
You might consider taking your own 'advice', LMAO.