Recommendations for an MC cart on Audiogon

I’d appreciate any input on MC carts here for sale at $850 (MAX) or below. Reading the info put out here, it’s seems only CONUS purchases can really be safe. So, I’m sticking with that. I received a George Warren tt (never letting go of) with a Moth Rega 250 (upgrading in ~6 mos) & Denon AVR 4806 (upgrading in 12-18 mos). I got suggestions recently but, the cart purchase fell thru & now the choices are different. I like things just a little tad bright.  Read a lot of carts are “mellow”, “smooth” & “silky deep” so, really looking for that.  Used is great bang for my buck & this is a safe site. People seem universally leary of eBay. No... do this instead of cart feedback plz.

thanks as always for your knowledge.
Thanks everyone. I a deal on the Lyra Delos here. I’m ecstatic with it & because I was starting to to into “Analyis Paralysis”.

youve all been very generous with you knowledge.  I post my experience once the cartridge has settled in.
Dear Raul, One cannot argue with your newly re-acquired preference for MC cartridges, but can you explain why you think MC is a superior technology?  Superior to what? Superior to all other types of cartridges?  You could make an argument for superiority of MC to MM, perhaps, but there actually is a good argument to be made in favor of MI, IM, and some other exotic technologies, over MC.  It is common to lump MM types with MI types, probably because both are high in signal voltage output compared to MC.  But after that, they are as different from one another as MM is from MC.
Why would anyone be interested in MC, when even a cheap simple MM blows away the top MC? Raul has lost his mind.
MC vs MM war is an old hat : ^) _ ... like most of us writing here, right ?
Anyway, the MF-100 ain´t too bright in my system. A note: looking more closely that MF-100 on US Mart seems to be a new generation ASTATIC (due to yellowish body, and hence the low price), not a vintage in fact but it´s good nevertheless.
Btw, I also have an MF 2500 ; ) Thanks Raul for your guidance.

OP, good luck with your choice
If you go MC, MAKE SURE the loading options in your phono-pre will accomodate those required by the cartridge. Even better to have a range of loading to experiment with to dial in the sound you want. MC have more considerations as those mentioned above in this thread.