Speakers that sound like Grado headphones?

I really enjoy Grado's sound signature. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which speaker companies produce a similar type of sound?
ATC speakers like the SCM19 will be similar in sound. They evenly excite the room (uniform wide dispersion across all frequencies) so you tend to get a very similar sound to high quality studio headphones. Of course you get a soundstage and image that is not inside your head (as it is with headphones) - so still lots of differences but the timbre will be similar - fast and dynamic.
I stumbled upon this old thread after recently getting a pair of Grado SR 80 headphones. I really like their tonal balance, and I'm guessing that's what the original poster was talking about (rather than spatial presentation).

I must say, though, that my impression of the Grados is the exact opposite of James63's. I find them rich and warm (though not syrupy or bloated), rather than "bright and forward," as James stated (perhaps we're listening to different models).

Anyway, I really wouldn't mind finding speakers that mirror the tonal balance of the SR 80's, so I thought I'd reopen the discussion. Any ideas? THANKS.
Actually, there are speakers that sound like headphones and give a similar sound. Try the older (vintage) Polk SDA Series speakers from the 80s. They acoustically subtract inter-aural crosstalk to give you a headphone like sound. Carver, with their sonic holography did something similar electronically with some of their preamps during the same era. Some really liked the sound, others did not. On certain recordings it could sound very very good.
I have been pursuing the same task for a few years. I liked my Grados enough that I wanted a sound system that had all the good parts (tonal balance) and maybe a bit more resolution. I ended up with Triangle Celius and tube amps in a near-field setup. I got it pretty close. Unlike what some have posted, loudspeakers sound way better than headphones, if your system is good enough.
The Grados made me rethink what I wanted from a sound system. I wanted all my CDs to sound good, I wanted to hear the music not my system. I'm still on the same task and having fun.

Thanx, Russ