Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.
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" You are correct. I feel kind of embarrassed to say I have a brand that has had a history of shabby engineering and poor sound quality"
Just so we're on the same page, it's not your terrible taste in high end electronics that I've found unnecessary (your choice), but your choice in starting this thread.

BTW, that shabby engineering (your words / I don't necessarily think their engineering is shabby, just their sound quality) is highlighted in this recent thread, if you're interested

"DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA"

In the category of no good deed goes unpunished, I for some unfathomable reason decided to Google Brilliant Pebbles. God help me. Mom always said if you can't find anything good to say then its okay to cut and paste their own words from their own website.

To wit:

   ...he is the designer of Nimbus Sub-Hertz Isolation Platform, Promethean Base isolation stand, Brilliant Pebbles, Tru-Tone Duplex Covers, Flying Saucers for Windows and Wall Outlets, Baby Promethean Mini Springs, Blue Meanies, Codename Turquoise CD Tray Masking Kit, Quark! Pure natural cork, CD Re-animal Stroboscopic Light Gun, Codename Top Banana Blu Ray Tray Masking Kit, Dark Matter, Spectrum Purifier, Particle Accelerator Tourmaline Gun, Teleportation Tweak...