Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.
I actually explained the atomic physics involved when crystals are used in audio applications around 15 years ago on my web site.

Glad to see someone interested in the physics of crystals. Welcome aboard, sailor!

Brilliant Pebbles was the first comprehensive crystal based product for audio applications. Brilliant Pebbles debuted at the Hi Fi Show at Heathrow Airport, London 2003, or maybe 2004 and were demo’d in the Golden Sound room at CES in 2005.

Brilliant Pebbles - White Paper, how crystals work,
  Welcome aboard... lol, thats funny and unknown to you an interesting coincidence considering I spent four years in the US Navy.
  When we look at physics as it applies to electricity-- conductance, reactance, capacitance, inductance, and resistance; these are not 'meaningless generalizations' on how the flow of electrons down a conductor are effected.  Just because all (perhaps most) of us don't understand Quantum Physics doesn't make it meaningless... I for one am just ignorant (definition: I don't know what I don't know) as apposed to indifferent: I know but I don't care...
You want to read about cutting edge Quantum Physics, read about 'Spintronics' and the application it has in information storage... oh my!
It's mentioned in the 'Positive Feedback' internet review of a Bybee Technologies product (IQSE's I believe).
millercarbon54 posts01-04-2019 9:58pmgeoff, what dressing do you recommend to go with your word salad?

>>>>Wow, I’m going out of my way here to provide good information and answer questions and all you can think of is food.
romeoaudio4 posts01-05-2019 7:00amWelcome aboard... lol, thats funny and unknown to you an interesting coincidence considering I spent four years in the US Navy.

>>>>I worked in the radio room of boomers and worked directly for the former head of US Navy SATCOM program.

When we look at physics as it applies to electricity-- conductance, reactance, capacitance, inductance, and resistance; these are not ’meaningless generalizations’ on how the flow of electrons down a conductor are effected. Just because all (perhaps most) of us don’t understand Quantum Physics doesn’t make it meaningless... I for one am just ignorant (definition: I don’t know what I don’t know) as apposed to indifferent: I know but I don’t care...

>>>>That’s all fine and dandy but can I point out electrons don’t flow down a conductor? For all intents and purposes electrons are just drifting along. 😀 They are simply the charge carriers.

You want to read about cutting edge Quantum Physics, read about ’Spintronics’ and the application it has in information storage... oh my!
It’s mentioned in the ’Positive Feedback’ internet review of a Bybee Technologies product (IQSE’s I believe).

>>>>As I’ve written, the operational characteristics of crystals can described by ordinary physics and do not (rpt not) require any high fallutin’ quantum type descriptions. My head is Spinning!

- Run silent, run deep.