Esoteric K-03Xs Player

I just ordered a new Esoteric K-03Xs CD/SACD player. As I am previously used to excellent sounding EMM gear converting PCM to DSD, would any Esoteric owners recommend the similar PCM to DSD conversion setting with DSD filter ON, or are there strong recommendations otherwise. I’m not really a tweaker, and would prefer the digital engineers at Esoteric making these choices with their gear, as did Ed Meitner at EMM. Thanks for your kind input and recommendations.
Th Emm stoped making transports and MSB is very expensive.
For red book and scad playback esoteric as a single box player is tuff to beat. 
OP, I also have k-03xs, you need to get a good power cable and isolation platform (symposium ultra) for it to shine its best and of course if you bought it new it needs to be burned for at least 300 hours. Try all that and let us know. Also try 4x upsampling instead of DSD, you may like it better. I m curious so how much K-01xs is better. 
Don't listen to the K-01xs because you will never be able to forget how amazing it is.  :)
HK_Fan don’t say the K01 is attractive cos I’m sure the Grandioso is seriously good too 😉
Each step is a major hardware upgrade step that results in significant aural pleasure.
I’m having my Esoteric fully sealed against EMI RFI at the moment, before receiving it. I’m hoping this will lift its performance as it has for all my other components.  I just wish I could add an apps function to it as say an hdmi input or usb input.