linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
This from the Kuzma shill who thinks the LP12 Magik sounds better than the LP12 Radikal

Your right your LP12 is better than a Kuzma you can’t take a Kuzma to a Golf Course and hit 9 holes with its tonearm. 


see you you later Tiger


The last LP12 I had was in 2005 current spec at the time, lingo 2 etc.
I initially used naim electronics with it - then a BAT ph10 se,  BAT 51se  and Benz ebony LP - much better than the naim sound. I used the same Bat gear and cart with the sme and Kuzma so consistent ancillaries.
Yes I am sure the LP12 has improved since then, so has everything else.
As I said my friend's Linn gives me some insight to the current Linn sound.
I live in the UK and there is still a big Linn following the same with naim. Go on the naim forums and posters believe in nothing else.
I am sure your Linn sounds great - btw was it the XL DC kuzma and 4pt, cartridge? - when you did your comparison?
As you say  the ancillary equipment can influence the result positively or negatively with any gear . 
I have done quite a bit of experimentation with cartridges, arm and phonostages - some combination just don't work. 
davey, you take things personal. I have nothing against the LP12. I guess I should have never said that the 1200G smokes the LP12 just because I think its better to my ears. Its all personal preference and system dependent and their are many tables that are very good. I have spoken to Linn experts that actually travel the country and come from other countries to tune in the Linns so they are still very relevant so if that tells you how I feel about Linns that I actually looked into what is involved with their upkeep and have tried to audition a Linn recently and I am forced to travel 100’s of miles to do so. Then you need somebody to come from another state or country to tune it up because nobody locally can do it correctly. If you have figure out how to get the most out of it, thats great.
This is my last post on this thread. I’m done trying to get people to listen to a current Linn LP12 model and have an open mind. All I can say is that if the table was so very poor sounding, I doubt so many would have sold...and continue to be in high demand worldwide. If one has to seek out a Linn dealer, that is common with almost all gear in high end...that’s why it is high end and not midfi ---one doesn’t have the option of buying it at your local mart.
The set up, like all technical gear, has to be done by someone who knows what they are doing and has had some training, not by any ’tinkerer’ who happens to be good at auto repairs.
Are there better tables out there, sure there are..but not IME at the price has to spend considerably more.
I’m going back to enjoying the music on my Linn LP12 Radikal D...the others can keep on arguing and guessing/postulating at what the SQ is.