Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


     If you want specific recommendations, you still need to let us know your budget, the rest of your system any other requirements.    Even a dollar range will do. 
     You need to throw us a bone, here for good suggestions.  There are a wide variety of good class D amps at a wide range of price points.  I consider under $1K as low priced, $1 to about $8K as mid priced and over about $8K as high priced (all prices $USD)
      My opinion is that you're best option is to choose amps that allow in-home trial periods of a few weeks so you can return them, no questions asked, for a full refund if you don't like them.

 Hello George, an intriguing press release indeed... please let us know about any adopters of the high speed Peregrine/Murata Gan power conversion modules.
Your welcome, if you can get around the 6550 tube envelope bs around this, here's another one at a much cheaper price than Merrill and Technics using GaN technology.


Cheers George
I have Bel Canto c5i based on fairly recent Icepower module.  Probably the most easy on the ears SS amp I have ever had.   I've used it with a variety of speakers, some that can lean towards being a tad fatiguing with the wrong amp.

No reason to steer clear of Icepower IMHO.   You just need a good total design around it, like with any amp.  Bel Canto does it well.
Were the Cuban Embassy Sonic Attacks Actually Just Class 'D' Amplification? Crickets? An Enemy Attack?