Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Were the Cuban Embassy Sonic Attacks Actually Just Class 'D' Amplification? Crickets? An Enemy Attack?
We offer both the ICE Power 1200AS2 amp and various Hypex NC500 based amps. The 1200AS2 is the first ICE or old B&O module we were happy to offer and ran our MKI NC500 very close to performance just a bit thinner but wins on value for money.

But since our introduction of the MKII amp we have moved things on and are now receiving feedback from customers who have upgraded from REV C to REV D buffers or MKII amp spec. Feed back has been concretively hugely positive.

The biggest winner here is the fact that Class D can not only beat Class A A/B on price but match and surpass on performance for those willing to take a leap in the dark and choose carefully. We can not match the intrinsic value of a well none monster and that pride of ownership that comes with paying a small fortune for that beautiful pair of mono blocks and we love the fact you do its what keeps this hobby alive. 
We will be working on that intrinsic value of a stunning hefty chassis on the coming months but in the mean time enjoy your amps be it Class D or A or A/B they make a huge difference. 

Here is a sample feedback from an enlightened old timer

I've used Mcintosh for 50 + years. VTL and Pass Lab for the last 25 + also. I have many different (valve), pre and power amps


I sat for over 3 hours yesterday (Dec. 28), source was a server, silver disk, and about 45 min of vinyl. I've been rather busy,

BUT I've been dealing with a distortion issue in the BASS section of the TIIse. Wound up being a surround on a

12" passive radiator. I inspected both and both were in bad order.


One day later:

Did a quick swap with a different type surround and all is well. I need to adjust the new PRs not quite enough mass.

Other than that. Wonderful! The bass extension and the AMOUNT of bass is pretty incredible.  

I'll probably do a driver swap and go to all BR surrounds, and a WCF for the bass coupler, and bass drivers.  

These are set up for Mcintosh MC275s (KT88 Valve sets). They can, drive a pretty heavy load AND sound good

for a valve amp. I was just amazed at the 3 X increase in power with NO distortion. I'm NOT a big BASSHEAD,

but these amps could capture the most critical ears fancy.


Two days later:

Ok I did the driver swap, worked perfect. Night and day. Very controlled, DEEP and clear. At 90 db and above it is clear

as a bell. I WAS having a problem.. Just a different way to drive a pretty difficult load. The Hypex does it with EASE.

Drivers are broke in and it is running in NON bi amped or wired mode. These speakers only sounded like this when they

were driven buy pairs of 10,000.00 plus US mono blocks. Mark Ls / Krells / Nelson Pass. The reason I had the driver upgrades,

on hand.


It has been too cold for a GOOD comparison with planars or ribbon drivers. 60 deg F and above in that room, mid-Feb or so. I'ts still round

speakers for a bit.


Four days later:

I have been driving a pair of Infinity RS2B, 200hz> all true ribbons. DIFFERENT!!! I'm not sold on the sound. I find myself

turning 2500>hz UP + 3-6 db. It is just my ear, being very use to Mcintosh/VTL tube units. I can however achieve the sound

I like with a tweek or two. I'm not sure they are broke in yet (25 hrs on the mono blocks).


Jan 2, 2019:

Ok the mono blocks are sounding better. I have close to 100 hours on them, now. It is a temp issue, at 75 deg F the whole

system sound much better. The tone controls are -2db in the bass section and pretty flat on up. Sounds very QUIET, yet

warm. I can add just what I need for the Coral, then back to Blues, then to soft Jazz.


Kids were in the front room, with a Nord system. "Da Club" 50.. lol neighbors came over, house was bouncin', yup!!

The kids were REALLY impressed, they are real BASSHEADS. 20,000 watt 50,000 dollars sound systems in some

of these kids rides. Sounded really good to me, I'm picky, buddy. I wound up taping one of the windows, and cracking

a couple because of the HIGH PRESSURE, GEEZ they were hitting 110 db. and over 135 when they PUNCHED the sub system.

ALL CLASS D, 4 rails @ 4 ohm 4000 RMS per rail, WAY TOO MUCH for me. Me, the dog, and the bunny had to go outside for a bit.

Clear as could be, OUTSIDE!!!


All in all I like the new rev D with the sparco 2590. It is more to my taste. The rev C boards with SI are wonderful, just

NO MOJO. The old guys around hear like the sparcos better, none of them have heard the new 2590s though, only the

dual 3302?/3602? and dual single xx01 (non Nord / NC400 mod).


I'll give you the news when that crew shows up.


I'm sold !!!

@nordacoustics. I see you copied and pasted a customer review from your website into your post. Since this is easily viewed by a copied URL link, it would save everyone here time to simply read the first part of your post pertaining to your products and then allow them to decide whether they want to click on the URL link to read the customer review.  
Post removed 
No interest in listening but happy to pass along unsubstantiated fact by way of heresay
" From what I have heard" last time I checked, that meant he heard them.

And even if it "was" hearsay, I would Google if I were you, as many have said it.

And I just noticed below, he owns Anthem Statement monoblocks, Class-D’s so "troll your self steve"