If you love the Ortofon 2M Black, you'll really love...... (help me upgrade)

Still trying to find a new cartridge and I've identified very clearly that I love the sonic signature of the 2m Black but would love something that had overall more of what it does well. With that info is there cartridge anyone would recommend up to 2500?
Dear @dhcod : In that price range today LOMC designs is mandatory and you can't go wrong with either of next very good cartridges that I have first hand experiences because I owned or tested in my system:





All of them outperform your Ortofon 2M Black.

Btw, the Linn Candid was buided by the same Lyra Kleos cartridge manufacturer Scan-Tech. The other 3 needs no presentation.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I was looking carefully at that a90 but didn't pulled the trigger. As of last night I finally figured out how to get my London Decca Super Gold working and that's way better than the 2M so I'm thinking I'm going to listen to that and reevaluate in a while. Thanks for all the suggestions!

+1 for Soundsmith
I have two and each one is unique and satisfying. There are a couple of on-line retailers selling the current models for as much as half off. That's a real deal IMO.
Read here that the Sounsmith Zephyr MK III is much better overall then the 2m Black. Id like to know, I have a 2M on a VPI Scout and when time comes for a new cart Id get the Zephyr if  offers something  better…I have no complaints of the 2M just nothing to compare it to and Im sure sound could be better..
I really like the clearaudio MM (using a virtuoso). Also liked the concept MC from them. They don't get much press. Good to see some love for them here.