Anyone running Totem Forests w/Dreamcatcher subs?

Thinking about a sub (a pair, ideally) to round out the lower octave from the Forests. Only need a bit more low end and the Dreamcatcher is sized right to fit my small listening area. Ideally, I won't know they are there. Hoping to hear from anyone with experience - especially regarding how these subs blend in. Comments and guidance welcome. Thanks very much.
Just the other night my wife and I watched some Pacific episodes on blu-ray running through my 2 channel, still Forests out of a PASS X-250/Modwright swlp. Felt no need whatever for subs or surround. Comments coming from various rooms throughout the house and out on the patio confirmed... ;-)
I've owned the Forests and think they are great but they don't go much below 30hz. So if you want full range you need a different speaker or a sub or two.
For me only maybe 15% of my listening requires bass lower than 30 hz but these are some of my favorites and I find the rolling off annoying.
It sounds like you are missing something. Try to find it if you can.
Mickey and Bj -
Thanks for your input. Bj - I'm sure you are right about the Forest freq. response but honestly, right now, for what I listen to, the Forests are fine. I really don't feel like I'm missing anything BUT that is a function of education and it is entirely possible that if I heard my favorite music on other lower bass capable speakers, I'd get the yen for something more. That's unlikely to happen in the near term, however. Right now trying to optimize stage depth in a less than ideal listening area. Thanks again for your commments. (btw - any recommendations for CD/SACD recordings w/great stage depth?)
