Threshold verse Pass Labs how can I justify significant price difference

I'm running currently series one Threshold S500 with the optical bias and Threshold S500 second series as a bi amp config to my JBL 4367. System sounds the way I like it no complains.
Now I've been having thoughts about upgrade amps to Pass Labs 350.5 or 250.5.
250.5 would be in same power range as S500 so my question is since Pass will be priced higher how much better would it sound and is it worth to spend extra $$?
does 250.5 will make so much difference that there is no sense to go up to 350.5? or the only way to get any significant upgrade is to go for 2 of 350.5 and would it be so much better sound than my Thresholds I could justify spending extra $7K!

Can't wait to hear what you guys have to say.

It sounds like no one posting above has direct experience comparing the two, so their guess is no better than your own.  Hopefully someone who has compared the two will chime in.
I have to agree with the comment about no one has (directly) compared the two. The person saying the Pass 'has' to be better, by saying what transistor type it uses?? My comment was also no direct experience. What I  would say in general is amps are not as different to the final sound as most of the other components.!!!Sure someone might rave about what their 'new amp' did for them. But the op already has a classy amp(s). no slouch there. So would there be any difference? yeah, and two BUTS... But is the difference in the sound going to be worth it? but is it the best thing to do/buy? IMO still a no. Now if the op was having some troubles with the current amps, and was asking to 'fix or replace' Yeah replace them with a Pass.And maybe keep that in mind when the current amps do have problems.. in ten years...??
Sorry, not having read enough of this thread, I may be repeating something here. I owned a Threshold S500 and took a peek inside. It was impressive, 'for it's time', I will say that. As well built as it was, there was an issue with the channels being cooler than they should, which is a bias issue. My point here is that to resolve all the issues associated with getting the amp back to spec was not worth the effort. The search went on from there to find a suitable working replacement.
I’ve heard both. Both similar and different. Neither necessarily better. YMMV.
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