Older or Modern amp for older Speakers (NHT 3.3)

My tube amp currently puts out 60 watts. These NHT 3.3's are calling for more power.
I see (but never heard) amps from McCormack and Classe and others have been used with the NHT's. 

My question is to feed the speakers their power is there anything in the $1000 range new that can compete with some of these $1000 "old"/vintage amps ( McCormak DNA-1 or Classe)

The more I read about the McCormacks the more I like. But I have no chance to hear them ( or any other amps for that matter). I did hear the NHT's with the Bel Canto Evo 2 Gen ii. Sounded really nice. ( Made me buy the speakers).

I listen to Jazz and Rock mainly. 

I owned the 3.3's long ago. Very nice speaker for the money.
I was using an Adcom GFA 555 and PS Audio 4.6.
I think going the McCormack route would be a great way to power them.
The best part is that they can be upgraded by SMcAudio. In fact, if you buy a non working unit, Steve can upgrade it, because he installs a new board. He can also work within your budget.
What preamp are you using?

Very good speaker, owned them years ago, and for a short while again a few years back.

They like a bit of juice IMO, but I would get something warmer sounding.  I powered them with a older, but very nice harman kardon signature 1.5.

I had some 3.3's for about a year .My take was a great design ruined by inferior drivers .