New Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo - Thoughts

Any Thought's on the "New" Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo

Any Rega owners / dealers / folks familiar with the table and/or brand have any thoughts / advise about this table / brand / combo? 

I am trying vinyl again... Tried it before without much luck. Table / cart / phono set up was too finicky for me and I wasn't able to get decent sound. I sold it all and am now giving it another try.

I also chose a Sutherland Duo phonostage to match with it.

Would love thoughts, advise, ideas or feedback. I have never owned a Rega product before. Going to set it up tonight but still waiting for my phonostage to be mailed to me. Would love some feedback. 


System info

Rega P8 Turntable / Apheta 2 Cart
Sutherland Duo Phonostage
Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Linestage
Pass Labs X250.8 Amp
Magico S5 Speakers (MK II's on order)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
I listened to an RP8 when I was auditioning.  I thought the table was really good except I did not like the way it reproduced strings in an orchestra.  Maybe it was the cartridge.  It was just very plug and play for me.  Not sure about using other cartridges other than REGA.  
Misguided?? I mean you could say wrong or erroneous but misguided? How does that make sense?

I got good advice and followed directions?

Sure, I am sure if it was more broken in it would have been much better but how much better? 10 times better, 100 times better?

Maybe, I can tell you I just saw no night at the end of the tunnel?

It just gave me nothing to make me want to try to stick with it? I was just like - ya - no thanks.

Next, this hobby is great and fun and I love it but I have been at long enough to know what sounds good and what doesn't. My wife - total non audiophile said "why does it sound like that"? I knew it wasn't just me being picky.. 

It very well could have improved a great deal. I don't doubt that at all but it wasn't for me. I read over and over people say how great it sounds out of the box and how it just gets better and better. 

Not my experience but that doesn't mean it isn't for others but it just wasn't for me. Honestly, if people like how that TT sounds then I recommend they buy a used 2nd hand Bricasti M1 with Ethernet server player for just a few grand more then tell me what you think.

I mean that set up cost quite a but of money. It was not cheap at all when you look at table, the cart, the dual phono's, the IC's, the PC's and the conditioner. Maybe they will prefer the Rega over the M1 but I doubt it, not if it sounds like it did in my room. Its a bummer too because I wanted to like the Rega and I like the brand and how they roll and what they stand but it just didn't work out for me.

I have been trying to decide if I should try another TT set up or maybe upgrade my pass amp and sim preamp to a Luxman M-900u and C-900u. Selling off my analogue front end with the proceeds I am thinking of applying that doe with trading my amp/pre and changing to the Luxman flagship combo.

Part of me wants to try another table and the other part is telling me to try these Luxy twins.  
I went to the Technics Sl1200g TT after owning 3 other turntables.  When I had the other turntables I lost interest in playing vinyl as they didn’t even sound close to my Esoteric SACD Player or to my Sony HAPZ1ES Music Server.   The Technics makes me want to play records.  Is the sound better than my digital, in some ways yes and in other ways no.  It certainly is competitive.
Yes that is what I wanted to be competitive or maybe not even but rather good or different enough to enjoy the difference but there was such a drop off that nothing about it was fun.

I mean its a pain in the neck verse clicking my iphone but still was so was hoping it would be enticing enough to want to do it. I just had no urge to listen to it at all :( was a bummer really as I really wanted to like it. 
I love vinyl and play it exclusively. I’ve had an RP6 and Exact 2 cartridge for about six years and can’t Imagine switching. I owned a $12,000 turntable and sold it. I actually like the Rega better.

It really sounds like vinyl is just not for you for whatever reasons. We all hear differently, all like different things. I don’t think you’ll be happy with even an expensive vinyl set up. Why not just go with what you like and be happy. If you’re
so enamored of your digital set up, go with it and enjoy it and stop wondering when you’ll reach Valhalla.

And stay off these damn audio sites- they’ll make you crazy!