Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers & integrated amp pairing recommendations

I'm seeking suggestions for an integrated amp to match with a pair of Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers that I recently acquired. I listen to mostly smooth jazz via streaming or CDs, no vinyl.  My listening room measures 22' x 22' with 11' ceilings.  I welcome your recommendations for integrated amps.  Thank you. 
The Pass would definitely be your best bet. Don’t waste time or money on anything else. The Pass will control those speakers with authority.
Your should try to audition the new Aesthetix Mimas. I was startled when I plugged it into my SHL5+. I have been using an Ayre AX7E which is a really good match with the Harbeth’s to begin with. Before I ordered the Mimas I tried the Hegel 360, Musical Fidelity MS 6i, Belles Aria and an Aesthetix Calypso with Quicksilver Siver 88’s. The Mimas is the best of the bunch to me. YMMV.  Good Luck with your search!
Luxman 509X - Heard that combo a number of times and can say it works very nicely - excellent pairing.

Pass Labs would probably work well but would recommend the INT250. Less Class A power but much more authoritative.

Good luck.