Know about PranaFidelity?

Ran across a new speaker brand (to me) and would like to hear info, comments, impressions or even better, ownership experiences. PranaFidelity made in Denver.
My local dealer carries the brand, I hope to be able to get there and demo soon. Heard lots of good things about them.
+1 markmike I heard the Fifty90’s at an audio show. Rich, full-bodied, organic sound - slightly on the warm side. Not analytical. There are toggle switches on the back for contouring the sound. You can set & forget them - or tweak them to your electronics & listening preferences. When I was there, Steve adjusted the sound when changing from acoustic blues to full symphony to Rock & Roll. It was a very nice feature. He also had his own electronics driving the speakers. I went back to that room several times.
I was at the Axpona Show in last year in April. It was one of the most well attended and organized show in a while. I didn’t hear every demo but of the around 200 demos, PranaFidelity was in the top five and held company in the most important ways with those mega dollar systems. I ended up buying the Vayus loudspeakers and couldn’t be happier. I agree with marqmike, they sound so realistic, musical, natural, etc. They completely disappear in my room. There is no downside with these speakers. The midrange is exemplary, the high frequencies are perfectly integrated, and the bass is the best I’ve heard for the size of the drivers used. At Axpona with PranaFidelity amplifier, I thought there were a pair of subwoofers in the room. The toggle switches in the back allow for a speaker that can be tailored to one’s room and/or system. I have a friend who compared his set to a $50K well known reference speaker and the Vayus were the clear winner and rumor has it the Vayus will receive an award from a well know online magazine. I find it interesting that you never see previously owned PranaFidelity equipment for sale. Steve Norbert is a true gentleman and knows how to design and build the most cost effective yet reference sounding audio components.
Steve is a great guy.
We did a show (the last T.H.E. Show in Las Vegas) with his speakers a few years back- the room sounded very nice. Steve has been in the industry a long time. I first met him nearly 20 years ago.