CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
The only thing keeping CDs from moving out and taking charge is the pernicious and tenacious background scattered laser light problem. Something wonderful is going to happen. 😳
Dear @milpai : """  BTW, I was not saying that analog is bad. So please don't feel offended. """

Certainly not, maybe a not good explanation from my part or a misunderstood on my post to you.

The main issue when we have digital vs analog discussions or tube vs SS electronics or MM vs LOMC cartridges is that the proponent on each side normally are " married " with their proposals and never are  WILLING TO really analize the " facts " of the other side and never are willing to try the other side experiences, many times like in this thread the proponent and its followers give no single true fact why they have reasons for their way of thinking and NEVER give the facts why the other side ( in this case: digital. ) is wrong.

The adjectives they use are like: gestalt, warm, richness and the like. I already explain in wide way about and reasons&facts why are wrong adjectives.
Who tolds all those gentlemans that home audio system is mainly something " subjective "? and I ask because that's what I usually had in my mind till I experienced " experiences " that told me that is " objective " not " subjective only "

Why things normally work in that way: because, like in this thread, NO one of " that side " is willing to learn. Maybe because they could think they already learned all what they must do. Yes, they live in an " audio life error " and you can't do nothing about and that's the why in my first post to you.

I love MUSIC, love analog and love digital too.

Btw, in the Universe of home audio systems the 70% of audiophiles own " average " systems ( average=mediocrity. Look in a dictionary. ), 15% own very bad systems ( lower than average/mediocrity. ) and 15% at the top.

On each case the main differences to stay on one or the other side of the 3 categories are the MUSIC/AUDIO TRUE AND REAL KNOWLEDGE LEVELS AND SKILLS of each one of us and if we always are WILLING TO LEARN.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

And so if digital sound is so bad why do so many audiophiles continue to enjoy and purchase digital equipment?  According to the vinyl only tribe, they must have tin ears. But what if that same person who enjoys digital sound also enjoys vinyl sound?  Does that person still have tin ears?People love their tribal allegiances. Try being bi-tribal, really is a nice place to be.
Digital is more prevalent, it's cheaper. You have it, don't you? Does that answer your question? Once again, analog is a REAL TIME REPRESENTATION OF A MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. Digital is an approximation of the same. Get it?
Digital is cheaper? Really? Since when?

Pop quiz - If the recording is made digitally on digital tape isn’t that a REAL TIME REPRESENTATION OF A MUSICAL PERFORMANCE?