need some help with Denon DL-103r OR Suggest a different cartridge

had a Denon DL-110 cartridge and liked it and something happened to the stylus and had the money , so bought a new cartridge.   picked up a Denon DL-103r, got it all setup and did some adjustments on the SIm Audio Phono preamp and not liking what I am hearing.            

I am not sure if a setting on the phono preamp is not right, but dont have nearly the overall volume that I had before and the bass sounds weird now ( speakers are Magnepan 1.7i's and they sound as if the music is distorted ?)

Capacitance : I have set at  0
Resistance :  I have set at  470
Gain           :   I have set at 66

On the tube preamp I have, the builder adds a gain dial on the back to match the amp better, and have tried adjusting that along with the main volume on the preamp and no improvement .

Is there a another setting that I should try ?           Or look for a different cartridge ?

Not sure how many cartridges did you tried in your system, but even if you like the entry level DL-110 it does not mean that you have to stay with it forever. You'd better try a cartridge with different stylus profile, the DL-110 was an Elliptical, look for LineContact type (Shibata, MicroRidge, MicroLine, Gyger, Replicant 100 and related). Look for better cantilever such as Beryllium, Sapphire, Ruby, Boron. And more important, if you don't have enough gain, look for MM or MI with output of 1.2 - 4mV, (don't buy High Output MC it will only increace the mass of the coil). You have to take in count an effective mass of your tonearm to choose the right cartridge (compliance). 
using the Moerch UP-4 Tonearm

the Simaudio LP-5.3 has adjustable settings for Cap, Resistance and Gain.

for budget, would like to stay in th $400 - 600 range.

Have had the DL-110 twice .
1. Get a Jelco tonearm. 2. Get a SUT (step up transformer). I have many years experience with Denon mc cartridges. At the moment have a 103R on the Pioneer PLX1000, used with a Denon SUT. Sounds just fine! This cartridge is capable of excellent SQ! Just takes a bit of care in setup!