Need help selecting bookshelf speakers for theatre

I hope some of you would give recommendations on a pair of used bookshelf speakers for my home theatre. I've never owned anything besides towers. Previous systems included KEF, Klipsch and Alon. I'm running a Marantz SR-18 receiver and a DVD player. No turntable or other analog gear. 95% of my time is spent on satellite tv. 5% of my time is spent on dvd concerts. This 5% is the most important to me. Favorite artists include Clapton, Sting, Sade. Price range is under $1,000 for the used pair - I'll build the rest of the system around the bookshelves. I live in the middle of nowhere in northern Michigan so demos - especially for used gear - are pretty much non-existent. Thanks for the help!
I recommend the Dynaudios or Von Schweikert VR-1s. Also, buy used if possible. If not, buy internet with a 30 day return policy-consider AV123, Axiom, Hsu research (my favorite).