Speaker vibration control device

I have a set of Monitor Audio Gold 300 speakers (59 lbs) and I'm interested in vibration control. But there are so many products out there where do I begin? First off my speakers sit on carpet in my living room (sub-floor is wood). I have rambunctious grandchildren who visit every 3rd weekend and when they do, I slide my speakers closer to the front wall to be out of harms way. When the kids aren't here I slide the speakers back out to their optimal listening position. Any recommendations for vibration control under these (mobile) circumstances? I've looked at Stillpoints but their cost is all but prohibitive. Also looked at IsoAcoustics and the need for carpet spikes was not appealing. I ran across Townshend Audio's seismic platforms and I think I'd like them. Anyone familiar with this product? How has it improved the sound of your speakers? MA Gold owners what vibration control product do you use and how does it improve the SQ of your speakers?
Oh, well, that’s kind of how it goes, sometimes. By the way, the magnetic 🧲 pads were directional and were sold in pairs with the dampers. If the pads aren’t oriented properly or if you accidentally switched pads there wasn’t sufficient holding power and the dampers fell off.
Thanks for all the input. There are lots of beautiful, affordable things out there if one knows where to look. Decided to go with these:
After digging a little deeper I see these will work with the platforms I already have that allow me to keep the speakers stable and move them when the grand kids visit.