
Anyone attending the Expo in Tampa this weekend?
Yes , I am going this morning . Outside of a small ad in the paper last
week Thusday , this is the only notice that I have seen !
Not good notification for a first time showing in this area . I hope that they
take this into account when planning future shows here .

This was my first show but I really enjoyed it ! It was great to here how
all of the different equipment , that I have only read about , sounded .
From mild to wild and excellent to not so much . Even my wife enjoyed
the day !
I asked a few of the vendors if they would come back again and they
stated that they would . Very promising , lots of good people enjoying themselves .
I am going this weekend. I recently moved to Tampa from Illinois. I have attended Axpona in Chicagoland the last several years. I know the show will be a lot smaller here but I hope it gains traction and comes back and gets bigger every year.
Spent 8 hours at the show today... almost every room sounded good and the wait to get to a prime listening position was never longer than 10 minutes. 

Best budget speaker sound... to my ears were the Ryan speakers room... the Soundfield Speakers Room... and the Sonetto/project Room.

there was good sounding digital... good sounding analog... good sounding solid state... and good sounding tube..

a day well spent!!
Florida Audio Expo - Further thoughts:
one higher price "budget room" that sounded absolutely beautiful
1.  room 516...a la carte productions  VPI table with ortofon 2m blue, into a Creek Audio Evolution 50A into Spendor Audio A7 loudspeaker...$9800...great looking, taking up minimal space and really musical.
2.  room 516...same people...same system...except with the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grande SE  $9800+$1500 more for the Viennas (which retail for $6600)..slightly more bite...slightly more punch...slightly less 3d but really, really nice.