Still Audio EL84 Integrated Amplifier - my initial impressions

Hi everyone,

I've had the new Still Audio EL84 Integrated Amplifier ($2895USD + shipping) for about a week, and I just thought I'd share my initial impressions.  I learned about the amp from the review in Postive Feedback.  After reading through Still Audio's website I contacted Mark Still.  He was very quick to respond, even though it was a day or two after Christmas.  From that initial email exchange, I've found him to be very attentive and helpful.  

The integrated amp puts out 10wpc using a total of 4 EL84 output tubes.  The unit is tube rectified (EZ34/5AR4) and has two 12AU7s in the input stage.  Mark calls this a "bookshelf amplifier," and it most certainly would fit on a bookshelf due to its dimensions - about 18" in width but only 6.5" in depth.  The front panel has a volume knob and an input selector, and the back panel has the IEC and fuse holder, three RCA inputs, and speaker taps for 4ohm, 8ohm, and 16ohm speakers.  There is a small remote control for the volume.  

The entire unit is very solid and looks like a more expensive component.  The RCA input jacks are excellent the best I've come across.  I find the speaker connectors very easy to tighten by hand.  They seem to stay put as you tighten them.  There is no release of tension when you take your hand off the connector.  The remote works well in providing small volume adjustments.  There is a nice touch that a small red or green light on the amp indicates whether the volume is increasing (red) or decreasing (green) when using the remote.  When adjusting the volume slightly between songs or during a quiet passage, it's very convenient to know whether the amp has gotten the signal from the remote.  

I am still looking for speakers to go with this amp.  As a temporary solution I'm using a pair of Klipsch RP-106Ms, and the sound is very pleasing - smooth and easy to listen to with good dynamics and plenty of volume in my smaller room (13x16ft.).  I never need to raise the volume knob past halfway (even though there is a lot more clean volume to be had beyond that point).  

I will post a more comprehensive review once I upgrade my speakers and give the amp some time to break in.  For now, though, I'm extremely pleased with it! 

Happy New Year!

p.s.  My system is analog only - Acoustic Signature Wow XL turntable and Avid Pellar phono stage.

I should also mention that I have had a load of experience with BLUMENSTEIN speakers and still own several sets of the excellent ORCAs.
The ORCAs will not give you the SPLs that you need - with any amp, regardless of power - but the BLUMENSTEIN TRITONs should be a perfect match with your STILL AUDIO EL84 amp.  The TRITONs go crazy loud and won't need a sub.
I believe that CLARK BLUMENSTEIN still runs a try-to-buy type program stateside, which should enable you to audition in your own home before making a final decision.
Beautifully hand-crafted, solid timber speakers that should be considered for a 10w + 10w rock-the-house outcome.
I have a EL84  Heathkit 151 completely rebuilt by Sam Audio in Canada.  It is the sweetest amp I have ever heard.  

It seems some folk (not me) have trouble finding a suitable speaker to allow the EL84 to sing and dance.

Which speakers are you using for your EL84 amp?