Devore Nines or Zu Presence for large room

Moving to an apartment in NYC that has a 33x15 living room with tall ceilings. Which speaker would work better?
Don't know about Zoo but DeVore are made in Brooklyn. Let's support the neigbourhood. They sound good too.
You don't provide any valuable information why you might choose either speaker. What are your priorities and why have you landed on either of these?

My Nines had great tonal balance, timbre was top notch, and they were very easy to listen to. Also, and perhaps important to some, a good friend of mine is a luthier, and builds some really nice +$20k string instruments. He always asks me, throughout all my transitions....why did you get rid of those Devore speakers?

I've heard most of the Zu speakers and there is something about the cone design that I just can't handle. There is also a certain mechanical sound that never blends into the music. It's kind of like the tube vs. SS or digital vs. vinyl debates.

On the other hand the Zu speakers are really powerful, image extremely well and have dynamics like few others. It's all a balance but to me they seriously lack emotion.

You need to listen to them because you will be living with them.

I went with Audio Note AN-e with HE woofers. The deciding factors were slightly better dynamics as compared to IMO polite Devore Nines. Corner placement gets them out of the way ~ Wife apporved. Did not have a chance to hear ZU.


Great pick if you have coeners to put the AN speakers. I had them and you made a wise decision. Just don't put then on the Sh!ty AN stands.


Zu speakers you know nothing about. Set up with the right gear you will not hear a mechanical sound that never blends into the music. Zu speakers DO NOT image extremely well. Lack emotion? What were you feeding them to cause them to lack emotion? The polite and boring 9 falls into thar area.