Devore Nines or Zu Presence for large room

Moving to an apartment in NYC that has a 33x15 living room with tall ceilings. Which speaker would work better?

I went with Audio Note AN-e with HE woofers. The deciding factors were slightly better dynamics as compared to IMO polite Devore Nines. Corner placement gets them out of the way ~ Wife apporved. Did not have a chance to hear ZU.


Great pick if you have coeners to put the AN speakers. I had them and you made a wise decision. Just don't put then on the Sh!ty AN stands.


Zu speakers you know nothing about. Set up with the right gear you will not hear a mechanical sound that never blends into the music. Zu speakers DO NOT image extremely well. Lack emotion? What were you feeding them to cause them to lack emotion? The polite and boring 9 falls into thar area.
I'm with Bjesien. I have auditioned and liked both, but there was something about the Devore 9's that was just right. It sounded natural, not as dynamic as the Zu, but I take that as an edge of colouration.
In the end, I went for Daedalus Da-RMas. They have all that the devore's have, but a lot cheaper and seem that bit faster and more dynamic. In the end, all 3 are great speakers and it comes down to your own preferences
When shopping for speakers a year ago I could have lived with Devore Nines for the strengths they possess which for me is a very natural detail retrieval, an inviting beautiful sound and they matched well with my 35 watt amp. The fact they are built a few miles from my apt was icing on the cake. The problem was that as wonderful as they sound I would always feel that I was wanting more dynamics than they were willing to give. When I heard the ANe's I did not hear as much detail retrieval as the Nines but what I did hear was a compelling musicality that I could not turn away from. I am not saying the ANE's blew the Nines away, not at all. ANe were simply a few degrees further in a direction I wanted to go. Truth is I could have lived with either speaker.