Airist Audio discrete R-2R DAC, at an unbelievable $350!!!!!

Airist Audio discrete R-2R DAC

Pity, all that’s missing is a volume control so you can go direct to amp, as it has 2.5v output.

Some good reading on it here posted by project86

Go get’em you cheap skates.

Cheers George
@itzhak1969 - massdrop collaborates with the corporate entity to bring to the market cheaper versions of established products based on confirmed orders and interests, the company knows exactly the demand and how many units they can sell, and buyers get established products at a cheaper price, basically they are labelled differently. Plenty of great companies released massdrop branded versions of their headphones and amps through massdrop collaborations. It’s basically like a kickstarter business model. Nothing illegitimate or suspicious about it.

Whole thread reads like a mass shill!"
Actually in truth, reality, and fact the post directly above your's is contrary, critical, and judgmental so perhaps you should improve you're reading understanding, comprehension, and ability so that the claims you make are not so easily refuted, contradicted, and proven false and without basis.