GaN-based Class D power amps

The use of GaN-based power transistor tech is now emerging for Class D audio power amplifiers. Seems appropriate to devote a forum thread to this topic. At least 3 companies have commercial class D amps in their books:

Merrill Audio, with their model Element 118 ($36k per monoblock, 400 W into 8 ohms, 800W into 4 ohms), Element 116 ($22k per monoblock, 300 W into 8 ohms, 600W into 4 ohms) and Element 114 (coming soon).

Review of Element 118 at this link:

ADG Productions, with their Vivace Class D amp ($15k per monoblock pair, 100W into 4 ohms). (The designer emailed me indicating he has another product in the pipeline.)
Review of the Vivace Class D moniblocks at this link (warning: link might not work (1/11/2019)):

Technics SE-R1 Class D stereo amp ($17k per stereo amp, 150WPC into 8 ohms, 300WPC into 4 ohms)
Preliminary review of the Technics SE-R1 at this link:
Technics also has a lower priced GaN-based class D integrated amp in their catalog:

Anyone listened to or own any of these amps?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcelander
1)  The Man Said,
 "Not to mention Class D is most efficient and runs cooler so you save on power bills" Can you save on your heating bill with Class A? (just kidding)
2) I wonder if some of these effete HEA manufacturers use price as as way to convey quality rather than cost of production. I can't imagine some manufacturers pricing a monoblock  at $1999 even if they could easily make a profit. It would put them among the unwashed lower classes and damage their image. But maybe I'm getting too cynical. 
3) I used to buy radiology equipment for hospitals. Anything I spent $35,000 for would have way more components, more expensive components and involve way more labor and R&D than could possibly be put into any amp. They are sold to a very limited market and have to be FDA approved, which costs many times more than RFI certification. But maybe I'm too cynical.
4th and most relevant) I am a big fan of Class D and fervently hope that I will have the opportunity to hear a GaN based Class D product that I can afford soon. 
Ric, Ralph, anybody: can you explain the difference between Ice and Ice Edge modules?
The ICE Edge is their latest stuff- integrated high and low side drive circuits, optimized dead time, higher speed, higher voltages (for more power) and so on.

The Van Alstine mono blocks are pure balanced bridged amps.  They have xlr inputs.  There is an option to have rca jacks as well, but then it has a single ended to balanced circuit inside to then run balanced to the amps.  The amps are fully balanced.  As far as junk output what?  What matters, is the sound.  Now, if I tweaked the Van Alstine amps I would use my binding post bypass system and other tweaks for even better sound.  Are we so cynical that we think the reviewer was paid to say this and actually prefers his Merrill?  How does he get clout when reviewing a no name amp that looks like a black box?   Looks pretty genuine to me.  Buy, you never know.  But two reviewers in the same magazine using different systems are saying the same thing.  Pretty convincing.

I assume they are balanced as they are monos, but the picture I saw from the link, no XLR inputs?
ric, I offer you Tony Cordesman, who never reviewed a bad product,.. worthless reviewer for the consumer