Apogee Duetta vs Mangnepan 3.6r

I have never heard the Apogee Duetta speakers and was wondering how they compare to the Magnepan 3.6rs. The Apogee Duetta would probably be a good match for my Sonic Frontiers Power 3 tube amps. Are there any draw backs to buying Apogee Duetta speakers this late in the game? What about support?
I owned Duetta Signatures many years ago... Loved them.
I purchased them new, kept them for 10+ years.

Long story but they were showing signs of age, and then they got damaged..considering their age, and not many options for repair, I went with a pair of 3.6s.. never looked back.

If you could pick up a nice set of Apogees at a good price, they would be great.

I heard years ago that there were no more replacement tweeter ribbons left, but I've not kept up.

Finding a nice set of Apogees these days may be tough though. The 3.6s in my opinion are every bit as good if not better than my Apogees were, and Magnepan is there if needed for help.

Good luck!
They don't compare IMO...even the smaller Apogee Caliper is better than the Maggie 3.6. The Maggie 20's would compare better with the Duetta Signatures.

Repair (rebuild) is handled by two USA Apogee dealers, or other Apogee dealers worldwide.


I have a pair of Duetta Signatures. I have heard the 3.6s and did not care for them.