Step down transformers detrimental to SQ?

Hello, does anyone know if step down (or up) transformers have adverse effects on sound quality? I'm looking to pickup a 100V amp and use a step down here in US. 

+1 atmasphere, I have used a bucking transformer and it's a very clean solution to the problem, but if I recall mine only dropped the voltage around 14V, not 20V.
A web search turns up ONE country on Earth running 100v, Japan. The world being a big place rendered tiny by the internet, where anything and everything can be found (a German man looking for people willing to be killed and eaten had several applicants) and knowing how people love to prove others wrong even if it means missing the whole point, saying there aren't any was a bad idea. I stand corrected.

But, calibrated (what I said) and regulated (what I never said) are two completely different things. Seriously. You could look it up. The 5% regulatory variance allows the NOMINAL (means, you could look it up, in name only) 120v to vary as low as 114v. Whatever. The question was, do stepdown transformers affect SQ. The answer is yes. And do I even need one? To go from 120 to 100? To avoid damage? The answer is no.


Your spreading some ignorant nonsense.  Most places in the US have close to 120VAC - and if running an apparatus with a 100VAC primary winding you will end up with 20% over voltage on the input to all  internal DC regulators in it.   This can be a serious issue because the regulators now will have to dissipate an additional 20% of heat and if marginally heat sinked,  this is trouble.

Most definitely use a step-down transformer, even better if you can find one with isolation as well - this will produce cleaner AC power to your amplifier thus resulting in higher SQ.

Good Listening


An equally important concern is if it is 50Hz or 60Hz current.  Running a 50 Hz unit on our 60Hz can cause overheating. (If it’s 50/60Hz rated, you are okay as far as current goes)