Top music streamer for 2019? Aurender N10’s?

I will shortly be purchasing a Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated with its internal DAC module.  I’m now wondering what to do about a music streamer, as I’m doubting that my current stock Mac Mini with Audirvana will do justice to the Gryphon.  My budget is < 10k.  After scanning forums this is what I’ve found consistently:  1) Aurender is frequently recommended, seemingly more so than other brands, 2) the Aurender N10 sounds much better than the much less expensive N100H, 3) Any higher end dedicated streamer will elevate sound significantly over my Mac Mini.

So it appears my best option is the Aurender N10 other than the price tag.  My questions are:  1) Do people agree with the statements above?  And, 2) How do the much less expensive Moon Mind 2 and Bluesound products compare with the Aurender N10?  Is the difference large?  And, 3) How big is the sound quality increase going to a N10 from a Mac Mini, and what specifically are the differences I should expect? 


Both Aurender and Lumin unfold MQA. A full list can be found at -

I didn't want the DAC module because the Lumin T1 along with Tidal Hifi (hi-res) met my needs.  The T1 has a built in DAC, but not internal storage.  You can get an external Lumin for your personal music collection as an option.  The Aurenders have built in storage on certain models. The only downside for me is my CD collection which will collect dust, but most of it is available on Tidal. Lot of good choices out there - with and without MQA - you'll have to decide. Hope this helps.
Love my Innuous Zenith 3. Wouldn’t want a built in DAC. DAC technology seems to change pretty often and I want the ability to upgrade a DAC without having to buy a new server. 
I’ve had Aurender and Antipodes music servers, I personally preferred the Antipodes because I like Roon better than the Aurender Conductor app.

Antipodes products are within your budget and worth considering.

I’ve owned--and still do own--products from Bluesound. While they are super-convenient, I don’t think the sound quality of Bluesound gets anywhere near Aurender or Antipodes.

Does the INNUOS Zenith MK III Server have an AES/EBU output connection?   If not, the USB is the only connection available for
connecting to a DAC, correct?   Thanks.  
Hgeifman, I checked the Innuous site and it appears you are correct - it is USB to DAC only.

Just curious - do you see that as a disadvantage?