Marantz NA8005 opinions vs. Oppo ?

Marantz's new NA8005 looks to be a nice stand-alone player for computer audio, even playing DSD from a thumb drive on the front USB port. This unit has all the features I've been looking for, but I can't find any reviews or opinions on its sound quality. I have an Oppo 105, and it's a bit lean for my tastes, although DSD sounds very nice if it's a well mastered album. Has anyone had the chance to listen to the NA 8005 and evaluate the quality of the DAC? Or can you direct me to a review if you have found one?

Thanks and cheers,

Unfortunately, my files are Apple lossless, not super hi-res, and Pandora One streaming (which I mostly play thru the USB port) is limited res as well. Don't have a good answer on that one.
Haven't heard it but doubt its in the same league as doing the
Modwright upgrade to your Oppo 105
Really? You mean spending another $2495 will get you a better sounding unit??? Get real. It was not the question asked.
I have played 24/88, and24/96, 24/176, 24/192 files and they all sound superb compared to routing the signal out to the coaxial input of my Esoteric K-01 dac section. The warmth that you wish for is all there in spades. Enjoy!
Jon2020 - good to know if I ever get the hankering to get into PC based or streaming audio as I did like my time with the SA-11S2 I had a few years back, still kind of miss that player....

Other than the shiny discs I have only ventured far enough to use the USB stick input on my Oppo 95. One day I hope to be more audio file manipulation savvy.