Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...

I am glad you found the right speaker for you.

A person like you that believes that any Focal Utopia is a top speaker would never even consider a Tidal.
geopolitics,"A person like you that believes that any Focal Utopia is a top speaker would never even consider a Tidal."
on this you are correct-- why go to the gutter with a"cult" speaker???
Because of the kindness of Linkster I had an opportunity to audition the Piano Cera's this past Saturday.

First let me say the Linkster has a fabulous system. He also introduced me to some great music of which I had been previously unaware. I had also brought along my Spectron Musician III MKII amp and Elrod power cord and speaker cables.

Linkster's Einstein amp sounded wonderful. Very detailed. The Spectron amp also sounded wonderful to which I believe Linkster would attest. Maybe a bit less detail but larger dynamic range which falls in line with what Tidal says about more power to the Cera's on its web site. So it was a little bit of a relief that a change in amp is not something I need to do right now. I may change my mind in the future but for now I am sticking with the Spectron.

Based on my listening experience with the Cera's I have put in an order for the Diacera's. The Cera's are an excellent value but I decided to spend the extra money on the Diacera's because these will be my last speakers. I really didn't want to get the Cera's and sit thinking what the Diacera's would be like. I am getting the Diacera's and now I am done looking for or thinking about other speakers.

I hope the Spectron amp works as well with the Diacera's as with the Cera's. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I ordered the standard black finish with the white ceramics. If there is a cabinet in stock it should take 60-90 days to take delivery.
OK maybe we stop at some point? Bashing speakers whe have not heard or do not like is not good thing to communicate friendly with other members. Have you any idea HOW much differs theese two manufacturers? and I even do not talking about sonic here. I am litle bit surpsised about Tidal owners sonic expressions together with some Tidal claims. there is a point from which positive joy transfers to patologic or to comercial intentions. I have never thought that there will be question about cone colour. a black accuton with same motor is same as white , but its black. a white anodized aluminium cone is the same as black anodized. accutn Al oxide or corundum its just too hard in constinensy to make any significant sonic changes if changed colour or even inject some impregnation(if it would be possible)

I wasnt at tidal website but if they claim black driver is better sonicaly than same white, they definately not respecting their owners neither potential owners.
I liked very much member post who said that contriva sounded better than sunray, and I have feeling that he realy know what he like , face it and does have some balls to say it.

Disclaimer - I have never ever heard any Tidal (yet), but I got some feedbacks from owners and ex-owners.