Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
I received my Piano Diacera's this morning. Took about four months to receive after initial payment. I was like Pope Julius II impatiently waiting for Michelangelo to paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. It was worth the wait. The craftsmanship is impeccable. These were built with real German pride.

The shipping company that Tidal hired here in the US was great. They sent three men to unpack and carry the speakers up to my condo. The packing case is awesome. The shippers were going to take it and I told them no way.

I am going to let them run-in for about a month before I make any comments to their sound. I want to get to know my Piano's for awhile.

Congrats Bostonbean!
Let it run a bit, mine still continue to improve even after six months.. Around 600hrs. The sound became fuller yet tighter, improved resolution yet more relaxed at the same time.. Amazing!
Enjoy yours,
Thanks Bvdiman, You are one of the reasons I looked at Tidal. I was looking to upgrade a long time ago and had listened to Magico V2's last year. They had a seductive sound but not something I would want to listen to on an ongoing basis. Too slice and dice in my opinion. Seeing that you went from Magico's to Tidal made me decide to look into Tidal speakers. Fell in love with the Piano Cera's and in the end went with the Piano Diacera's.

Thanks for your indirect help.
I have had my Piano Diacera's going on 4 days and I would like to share a short first impression.

These are the most unassuming speakers I have ever heard. They bring absolutely no attention to themselves. What I mean is these speakers totally get out of the way of the music. When listening to music they don't just disappear, they don't exist! It's like they are saying "Forget about us, just listen to the music." I have never had such unfettered access to music before. I am totally connected to every note I hear and I literally forget that I am listening to a stereo system.

I have left the speakers in the default setup, i.e., jumper arrangements. Speakers are 86 inches apart with my listening positon the same 86 inches from each speaker. I have them toed in quite a bit with the axis point about 12-18 inches behind my head. I tried different distances, closer/further, with the speakers remaining at the same 86 inches and different toe in angles. Through pure dumb luck I hit upon this, for me, ultimate setup though it might change a little after some more run in time.

My components:
BAT REX preamp
BAT VK-D5SE cd player
Spectron Musician III MKII mono amps with V-cap and Bybee filters
Elrod Gold Statement pc's for BAT equipment, Elrod Silver Statement pc's for amps and Elrod Silver Signature speaker cables.
Interconnects: Synergistic Research Magnetic Tricon.

I'll post more later.