Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Something has hit me here in this thread . Somebody mentioned how Audio Notes speakers don't have the typical numbers for SET friendly speakers but they work because the Audio Note amps are built to compliment their speakers .
Charles is espousing the merit of his Coincident SET amps being used with his Coincident speakers .
Neither of these companies speakers are in the high efficiency camp but they work quite well with their own SET amps .

Hmmm !
My understanding is the audio notes rely on corner placement to reinforce the bass similar to a horn effect which makes them more amenable for tube amplification in general. I heard a pair not sure how fancy at capital audio fest a few years back. Off some tube amp I do not recall and they were one of the better sounds at the show I thought.
My understanding is the audio notes rely on corner placement to reinforce the bass similar to a horn effect which makes them more amenable for tube amplification in general. I heard a pair bot sure how fancy at capital audio fest a few years back. Off some tube amp I do not recall and they were one of the better sounds at the show I thought.
The more comments you post, the more evident it seems(at least to me) that you love what this 300b SET is doing. Your reference point is the formerly owned Manley el34 push pull. Based on your clearly written comments the SET is an obvious step above and has taken you to another sonic level. It seems the vast majority of your music is presented beautifully. A small niche of music causes a problem.

The Manley is a very good push pull el34,is the AN Kit el34 going to be that much above the Manley? It's possible. I just strongly suspect that your 300b is the more musically satisfying and "special" amplifier. Anyway I look forward to reading part two of your listening sessions. I believe the SET has made the all important communication, emotion/involvement/soul reaching level that your Manley couldn't give you(otherwise you wouldn't have notice such a difference between them).
Rebbi I base this conclusion solely on what you've written. Am I wrong?
Best Regards,
Rebbi, for the sake of De Capo owners in the future looking to experiment with SET it may be beneficial to explain why this thread took the turn it has. Earlier in the thread you commented that the power issue had "been put to bed".

As a fellow De Capo owner I can relate to what you are going through now. I had a similar experience pairing the DC's with SET. Ultimately I decided it was the DC's that I couldn't part with and found a PP that has made me very happy. Best of luck in the next chapter.

P.S. Take a look at Omega, particulary the Super Alnico Monitor. Affordable and they offer a 30 day return if not happy.