Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Spoke to Eric Alexander at Tekton last week and he sounds like a really stand-up guy. His prices are unbelievably reasonable and his 60 day trial makes trying one of his speaks into a lower risk proposition. Given my amp and my room, he recommended the Lore or Lore 2.0. It's something I'm considering. He, himself, is not a huge fan of low power amps (although he owns some) but he said that lots of his customers are happily running his designs with SET's.
He opined that "Running an 8 watt SET with a 92 db speaker is like running a Ferrari with the cruise control stuck on 55 mph. You'll never really see what the amp is capable of."
He also jokes that "Amps are tools. One night you're going to want to crank The Who and then you may want to have a more powerful amp on hand." ;-)
Good guy.
Rebbi, I ended up with a Music Reference RM10 MKII. I haven't heard the Omega's but have been told that they compare very favorably to a British speaker that I love for a fraction of the cost.
Rebbi your last post says it all. The amp should be able to play all the kinds of music that YOU want to enjoy on a given day. Wether the speaker or amp changes, in the end, a better match is needed.

I recall running my Coincident speakers with three different SET amps and on many evenings the music was so enjoyable, just as you mentioned. However, over a period of months it became obvious that the amps were just plain running out of gas on more occasions than I originally thought.

The question is not about wether a DHT 300b amp sounds better or best compared to all other tube amp designs. That is not even a real question as a dozen 300b amps sound as different from each other as a dozen PP amps sound from the same dozen 300b amps. The real question is wether the system with your current speakers and a new tube amp will sound better than your current amp with new speakers. The comparison is at the total system level......not the amp alone.

I owned a very expensive Canary 300b paralell single ended set of amps. They put out 50 watts per channel, but did not sound as good as a solid state integrated in my total system. By good I mean all the SET type SQ attributes we all enjoy. How is this possible? Well easy. The design of the integrated was pure magic and the world offers a vast array of magical gear that we can never begin to consume. It is a great big audio world out there with many surprises and Magic awaiting! Certain 300b amps are but one.
Tomorrow's 300 tube? Oh my!