High Efficiency Speakers Your top 3 or more

Not taking cost or musical preferences into account what are the top 3 high efficiency speakers you've ever heard, overall?
I am glad somebody chimed in on 92,cause I had Montana esp's; which are 92, and no way/no how for SE reproduction.
I then bought Lowther and for the price you get a lot.
You cannot talk about high efficiency speakers, without mentioning Avantgarde.
Also Classic Audio Reproductions T1, with field coil drivers, are very, very good.
Acapella (the model escapes me now)- I should put it after the Avantgarde Duo G2, which were outstanding at this year CES, and CAR T1.
I have owned or heard all of the following and in general favor these high efficiency designs
Audio Note AN/E sec
Exemplar Horns
Tonian TLM-1
Tonian Classic 12.1 (currently own these)
Magico Ultimates
Klipsch Corner Horns
JBL Parragon
Merlin VSM MXE
Horning Alkibiades
Acapella (not sure which model..ion tweter)
One of the best I've owned was the ADS 1530, with an efficiency rating of 95 db. They could play loud, could handle 500 watts,and sounded great. They were Telarc's studio monitors for years, until they updated and went to Waveform Mach 7's. Their only drawback was their immense size, being 2" wide, 52" high, and weighing over 100 lbs. Sometimes I still wish I had them back. I'm currently using their 1590's, not quite as efficient as the 1530's, but only 12" wide towers.
The Tonian approach to cabinet design and resonance control (more "instrument" like) was something I had not heard of before that sounds very interesting. I'm wondering do any of these others take a similar approach?