Proac Tablette Ref 8 Sig Vs 1SC

Hi All,

Just your thoughts on what you think is a better speaker for this size room. 13.5ft x 13.5 ft x 9ft ceilings.

Music is mainly RnB, Reggae, Female Vocal, Soul.

Cables all Cardas Golden Reference and Preamp / Power amps are all tubed (Atma-Sphere).

Thanks for all your feed back.

hi, i have owned both for r&b and reggae i dont like neither but the 1sc is far superior over the 8s no question. as far as vocals the 1sc is electrostatic sounding.
I think it's really a personal choice thing. I have read a lot of post saying people much prefer the sigs 8 and others say the 1sc?
Mark me down as someone who prefers the Proac Tablette Ref 8 Sig.(and I have heard both in my system) Perhaps it is just my preference, but there it is. Just one more vote!
Nice speaker...just a bit to forward in my system (all tubes).....Compared to the Dynaudio C5 its night and day in the favour of the C5. Then again it should be that way as they cost X10 as much here in Australia.

Found the Proac a bit to bright compared to the C5 which was a lot more neutral IMO. Midrange could not be matched compared to the C5...worlds apart. Then again the C5 is known to have one of the best mid range ever. No idea why Dynaudio discontined the midrange dome?

Thanks for all your help.
