Speakers for Krell s300i

Any suggestions for best speakers to be paired with Krell s300i? I currently have the Polk Audio LS90. While I love the speakers with my old Denon 2802, I think they don't match well with Krell. The sound stage can use more depth I think? Suggestions?
I listened to set of the Magnepan 1.7 with a Krell S300i at my friend's audio store and I thought it sounded great. I have listened to many systems that cost many times more than the S300I and the Magnepan 1.7s. I would rank this combo in the top 4 or 5. Be sure to get good cabling because the better the equipment the more revealing of poor items in the chain and that is where I see a lot of systems fall short.
The Krell should be able to drive about anything; find speakers that you like the sound of, don't worry about the Krell, it is not sensitive to speaker types or impedance's in the way some amps are. It is a much better amp than the Denon and reveals the deficiencies of the Polks that the Denon hides.Get the best you can afford, the Krell will be up to them.