Is my room doomed? Pic

For a discription of room dimensions and equipment you can click my system's page.

While the system is pretty new, I'm having a hard time getting it to sound anywhere as good as the dealer/distributor using very similar equipment (outside the preamp). Is it my room?

The center image is good but the soundstage height/depth is not what I know these speakers are capable of. The depth of the layers in the soundstage is also shallow. I have no sidewalls, and the speakers are firing into floor to ceiling windows (but I do draw the curtains).

Any suggestions? Pull the speakers out more? Toe in more?
I would recommend trying "get better sound" by jim smith. he's very helpful on room setup.

also, very good you are thinking careful about position. I hate "best speaker" discussions here because room position is so important to sound.

getting rid of TV in the middle will help with bloom. it is good you are focusing on this, also.

I don't know enough about these speakers, but I do know you can shift soundstage of planar up and down by tilting them. maybe these too? also, adjust toe-in for sound stage and imaging.

There is interplay between how much you can get speakers to play the room and how much you accept defeat and try to isolate speaker sound from room. I find I get best result if I have a lot of toe in and send HF directly to ears. Sweet spot is small, off axis listening is not great, but I get densest tone and bloom given limitations of my own system.
Having no side walls is a blessing. You can set up a classic LEDE configuration by moving the TV screen and putting up something very dead on the wall between the speakers. Maybe a large mattress covered by a nice tapestry.
Does anyone know how to get more soundstage height?

This is going to sound simple minded, but the best staging height I ever got was when I had a room with 14 foot ceilings. Now, you can't exactly go raising your ceiling unless you buy the place above yours and demo it, but maybe you can get the effects with dampening and diffusion. Just like everyone recommended a rug for your floor to ease reflections, give a look into an acoustic treatment for the ceiling - even the standard "popcorn" ceilings have made a difference for me (though they can look a little tacky in a clean, modern design such as your home).