Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Almarg, thanks I've always understood all that. That's why l've pushed for Rebbi to consider a higher efficient speaker like Tekton or others at his price point with the added benefit of better/lower bass. There won't be any clipping with the Tekton Lore, 98db, benevolent 8 ohm load, 30hz bass. I'm getting that right now (listening to John Mayall's Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton) with no clipping. That is with the little Coincident Dynamo 34SE 8 Watts. And I am playing this LOUD! In a 14x16 room. Earlier, I was playing Lorde, I believe a cut that made Rebbi's system clip. No problems here, played it loud enough to chase me from the room.
At any rate, when Rebbi trots over to Sebrof's place he can settle for himself whether or not the Tekton works for him with the AN Kit 1. I've grown tired of this dicussion, I don't have a dog in this fight, just trying to be helpful.
Does Sebrof have tektons? I saw some interesting large DIY HE speakers with HEIL tweeters on his system link here that I was under the impression he whipped together himself?

They were BIG and all custom built I gathered! I think I saw Sebrof estimated 95db efficiency or so. Big usually helps with the bass off just a few watts. I'm imagining teh sound with a SET would be impressive and perhaps a challenge to match if not DIY. I'll be very interested in hearing teh results with Tekton Lore if that is the case as well. I would expect the clipping issues resolved as well with Tekton Lore especially if they are truly 98 DB efficient or even close.
I believe Sebrof still owns the Tekton. Maybe he will chime in. Or, you might read his comments on the old Zu vs Tekton forum discussion?
Spoke with Eric today and got some more details on the Lores. Eric is great to talk to. One thing I appreciate is that when I first mentioned to him that I was thinking of replacing my De Capo's, his immediate reaction was, "Very nice speaker." That he didn't take the opportunity to bash someone else's product (which I've seen/heard others do under similar circumstances) was a plus for me. We spoke about the Lore vs. Lore 2.0 and also about whether I'd get grills and/or a cap upgrade. If I do say goodbye to the De Capo's that's the direction I'll move in.
Sebrof does have his big, home-brew horns that he runs with a little 2A3 SET (also home brew, I think). But he still has his Tekton Katz Meow's and that's what I'll be trying with the Kit 1. Let's see what the amp sounds like driving a really easy load! I will report back.
New Listening Impressions blog post almost ready, folks, so stay tuned.