Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
I'm very happy for you Rebbi that you have finally resolved the problem. We are ALL still on pins and needles, hoping that the amp will work with the Decapos but the fact that you did everything on your part correctly must give you some relief and satisfaction that it at least wasn't you which I'm sure was somewhere in the back of your mind, kudos to you and please keep us updated.
As I said, my greatest worry was that Brian and Pete wouldn’t be able to reproduce the problem - like those times I've brought my car in to the shop with a funny noise and the mechanic couldn't reproduce it. As soon as they confirmed that there was a real issue, I was relieved because I knew they'd take care of it. Brian said, "I'll make sure you're happy."

Almarg: such an interesting article, thanks.

Seikosha and Mikirob: Thanks for the good wishes. And Rob, really sorry my Stereophile sub lapsed. I'd like to read that Tekton Enzo review and may have to pick up a news stand copy.
I have been waiting for your news, and I am really happy to hear that the problem is solved. I am really anxious to see you loving yours as I do mine.
By-the-way, the Enzo Reviewer (Reichert) favorably compared the Enzo to the DeVore Orangutang O/96. As I've previously mentioned on this thread I am currently comparing my brother's DeCapo Ref 3A against the M-Lore using the Coincident Dynamo 34SE 8 watt amp in my room and set-up. I will make one comment at this juncture. The bass on the M-Lore is much, much better in quantity and quality. YMMV. Best.