Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?

I read a review today of the Joseph Audio Pulsar. Has anyone heard these in a listening room setting and do you have an opinion? Before you laugh, what I am looking for is a monitor that will give me the wonderful mids, highs, and all the accolades that go with an Avalon or Magico or Wilson or Revel or etc. but with a bass cut off that can be supplemented with a Subwoofer. I am looking to move from 2 channels to 5 channels and have never been able to integrate a subwoofer well in my system. Does a great (under $10k - sorry no Dynaudio C1) monitor exist that does everything but just has a low end cut out. It seems that everyone is trying to build no-compromise monitors and in fact everything gets compromised given the price. Help.
I was floored by these at RMAF. Absolutely gorgeous midrange. If I was looking for monitors, these would definitely be on my shortlist.
I agree with Madfloyd. I heard the Pulsars at RMAF 2009, and I was extremely impressed. I liked them so much I made it a point of listening to their full range big brothers in the next room, the Pearl 2. I thought the Pulsar and Pearl 2 were some of the best sounding speakers at the show.

Can't offer an opinion comparing them to Avalon or Magico or Wilson or Revel. That's too subjective.

I suggest hearing the Pulsars yourself. It will be well worth your time.
DISCLAIMER--- Joseph Audio Dealer

With that said, I am completely amazed with the Pulsars. Midrange and highs are incredible, with fairly good amount of bass for a monitor. I highly suggest taking a listen if you have the chance.
I have owned a pair of Pulsars for several months now and have enjoyed every minute with them. The Pulsars produce a surprising amount of bass for their size. Initially, I though that I would need to supplement the bottom end with a sub. I tried the two different subs that I own, an M&K and a Focal Sib. After a lot of listening, I found that I actually liked the Pulsar better without the sub. It completely took me by surprise. That being said, my listening room has been acoustically optimized by a professional company (A/V RoomService), so that might have something to do with my results. Perhaps a higher end sub would change my opinion, like a JL Audio, but for now I am very, very content with listening to the Pulsars "naked".