Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?

I read a review today of the Joseph Audio Pulsar. Has anyone heard these in a listening room setting and do you have an opinion? Before you laugh, what I am looking for is a monitor that will give me the wonderful mids, highs, and all the accolades that go with an Avalon or Magico or Wilson or Revel or etc. but with a bass cut off that can be supplemented with a Subwoofer. I am looking to move from 2 channels to 5 channels and have never been able to integrate a subwoofer well in my system. Does a great (under $10k - sorry no Dynaudio C1) monitor exist that does everything but just has a low end cut out. It seems that everyone is trying to build no-compromise monitors and in fact everything gets compromised given the price. Help.
Had a chance to hear these at Stereo Exchange in NYC against the B&Ws. I felt the Pulsars were the hands down winner. I was immersed in the sound. They were an experience that were pretty impressive. The 805s just could not hang with Pulsars and I thought they were worth the money. A speaker you would not worry about resell value because you would not want to ever sell them.
Even though I haven't heard the Pulsars, I have doubts the Sierra-1's would compare to them. I've had the Sierra's for a few month and found the bass boomy and midrange very recessed. I'd like to compare the Pulsars to my Tyler Acoustic D3M's, which is a phenomenal speaker and great value.

$7K is a lot of scratch for a monitor but they do look gorgeous.
$7K is a lot of scratch for a monitor but they do look gorgeous.
Jk121764 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
While I don't disagree, if you take into account the full assortment of monitors being sold today, $7k is a Chevrolet price tag.
I got a quote from a dealer, and they are selling it significantly under listing price. One has to wonder how much this stuff is marked up from manufacturing, distribution, to retail.
For monitors there are a pair of Ridge Street Sason's in classifieds . They would make a fine choice