2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?

I have been doing a lot of research and thought I might as well see if I can get some direct answers.

I am looking for a speaker with some sweetness (a little) and texture and is very involving in the sound signature. As in musical - not analytical or neutral/dry. Also timbre accurate bass. Without the "one note" bass.

I also put I high value on a large 3d soundstage (it is more involving to me). As well as dynamics.
Placement should not be a HUGE concern. (I want to be able to get comfortable and not loose the sweet spot if I move a few inches)

Bonus points go to those who would match other components to it that would help achieve the sound I am looking for.

I want something that can convey the emotional content and musical/harmonic content of the music.

Thank you all,
Three come quickly to mind - all different, one to the next - but any of which might do the trick.

The aforementioned Vandy 2.
The Emminent Tech planar hybrid.
The Ohm 1000.

Were I to hazzard a guess, I suspect that the Ohms will be the preferred choice, given your stated criteria. Striking imaging (they're omnidirectional) and the tightest bass of this bunch. However, both of the other choices have their merits as well and it wouldn't surprise me if you had a different choice as your favorite.

Good Luck

I also would suggest the Vandy's, 2ce Sig can be had for that price.

For what you want, I would avoid Maggies, they will need an expensive amp to get what you want out of them.

I would also consider some Paradigm Reference Monitors, the S4, that's a world class speaker, that fills your bill, and can put out some serious SPL's.