2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?

I have been doing a lot of research and thought I might as well see if I can get some direct answers.

I am looking for a speaker with some sweetness (a little) and texture and is very involving in the sound signature. As in musical - not analytical or neutral/dry. Also timbre accurate bass. Without the "one note" bass.

I also put I high value on a large 3d soundstage (it is more involving to me). As well as dynamics.
Placement should not be a HUGE concern. (I want to be able to get comfortable and not loose the sweet spot if I move a few inches)

Bonus points go to those who would match other components to it that would help achieve the sound I am looking for.

I want something that can convey the emotional content and musical/harmonic content of the music.

Thank you all,
Sam: Although Ohm Acoustics sells direct, and therefore cannot address the system synergy aspect of your search directly, Ohm does offer a 120-day in-home trial. If you return them, you are out the round-trip shipping. I own the Ohm Walsh 2000s, and there is a full review posted in the member reviews section of this site. One quality of Ohm Walsh speakers that I like is that, except for some bass extension and output capability, all the models have the same sonics. You just match the cubic footage of your room to the right model. Here's why I would suggest the Ohm Walsh 1000, provided your cubic footage is within the range specified on Ohm's web site:

1. The truth in timbre my Walsh 2000s present is stunning. Instruments sound like real instruments in real space, including the human voice (source material allowing, of course). More than any other aspect of this speaker, the timbre reproduction is what keeps me anxious to listen.

2. Dynamics are good, perhaps macro dynamics aren't the 2000's strongest suit, but they can startle me when a good recording's dynamics allow it. Micro dynamics, I think, are very good. I think a lot of this is dependent on associated gear. The 2000s can play extremely loud in my room without becoming harsh, compressed or distorting. A huge improvement in this regard from my previous speakers (Vandersteen 1C). This is another area of importance to me as well.

3. The ability of my 2000s to place instruments in different locations in the soudstage was a surprise for me. I expected a quasi-omni design like the Walshes to have a more vague way of imaging. Not so. Performers are solidly anchored to their spots on stage (again, the sourse material permitting).

These speakers really reproduce what's on the record. The more beautiful the recording, the more beautiful my Ohms sound. Perhaps the only area you may find less than satisfying for you is the degree to which the sound is "forward." Although a preamp upgrade (see my system link) has definitly moved the soundstage forward a bit, this is not a midrange-centric speaker. It is pretty neutral, and if anything, a little polite on top. Not to say it lacks detail. On the contrary, it has excellent detail retrieval. But the little details are just that - little, not in your face. I find this kind of presentation highly listenable for long periods, and that is rare in this price range, IME.

I kow you want to work with a dealer, but nothing I've heard in the $2K price range can beat it. IMHO, YMMV.
A used pair of Vandersteen 2c Signatures. I happily sold my Harbeth SHL5 speakers for these and have not regretted it. Not even a little bit!