Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
The best speaker's are the one's that best fit your situation. Like your room size, budget, taste, wife, cat, etc.

Everyone's situation is different of course.

I'am very happy with my Innersound Kaya's.

Other speakers I have heard at shows and dealers that I like are.

Vandersteen 7
Vienna Acoustics The Musik

I have heard MBL's a couple of times and have not been impressed. Maybe the third time is the charm.

Also have heard many different Wilson Audio speakers and havent liked them enough to pull the trigger. The Alexandria's driven by VTL sound quite good but are out of my price range and probably would not work in my room either.

The speaker's I have not heard but would like to are.


These are not represented in my area or RMAF the last two years.



I've heard mbl twice, once optimally in a dealers showroom and once by the same dealer at a show.

They were far less impressive at the show than properly set up.

All speakers sound best when properly set up and matched to teh room, not just mbl. If you just focus on this you can reach nirvana a lot faster and most likely for significantly less cost than otherwise.
At RMAF you will hear "a good number of the top speakers" - if not all - and if not under optimal conditions; that is a given. But life is not perfect and it does provide what is really not available in any other reasonable, exposure to many speakers (and other equipment)that is not available dealer hopping (unless you make it a full time job)and optimal or not, alot better than depending on other people to tell you what speakers are best or right for you. There may be better hypotetical means to evaluating equipment, but in the real world a show like RMAF is hard to beat for what it offers, and it is fun to boot.
Brian, Must have missed Tidal last year. Hopefully they will be there this year.

Mapman, I agree that optimal setup is crucial. I am sure that some of the speakers I did not care for were not setup optimally.

Given enough time and money you could build a system around most of the top notch speakers out there and get good results for your taste.

Here are a couple more I liked that I forgot about. It is nice that there are so many options.

Classic Audio Reproductions ( If I had the room )
Oswaldmillsaudio AC-1

Also would like to heard some Coincidents as well.