Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
Psag do you know of such a person;there have been several members who have answered this thread with many years of experience in the hobby, 2 that I know of dealers, and 1 designer/manufacturer of pre and power amps who probally has the most experience with speakers used personally or in shows with his gear driving them.
What points of view are you looking to hear about?
Looks like it's getting personal.

Ebm did share with me his views about various Magico speakers while I was researching them. His opinion was brief though accurate and helpful IMO.
Ok,I've had a past history of 40 years in the hobby.Got out to pursue acoustic guitar "again".My first love,actually.....anyway....

I've been in the NY audio scene and have heard a TON of systems.Many reviewers' set-ups,which in all honesty were not really any better than many hobbyist set-ups.Experienced "hobbyists",that is!There are alot of "you guys" -:)

In all candor,from owning many speakers,and hearing a boat load more(and this is "only" my two cents...maybe "three")the finest speakers,to me,where the "simplest designs,that required the least amount of power"!

It's elementary really,as there is just less complexity of parts to get in the way.Whether it be the actual speaker in question(though many big designs sound fine,in a big room,but who really has "that")or the "electronics" needed to drive them(alot of circuitry is not really the best thing,and BOY do I know "that"!!).

My last speaker was one of the finest designs made,even in todays market,"imo"....The "original" Avalon Ascent MK-II.Built like a tanker ship,but very easy to drive,and an outboard crossover that was/is world class.Simple/spectacular design,but it took a long time to "voice" to my room.

In retrospect,it is just good design sense to have the crossover out of harms way.Meaning out of the path of potential vibrations.

In todays' market(which from what I see,is getting "killed" by the economy)there are few realistically affordable designs which do it all,if you want a big/dynamic and accurate design......better off with a simple,accurate speaker.One that requires "less complexity of drive",and you will be rewarded with the ability to get off the merry-go-round.....Not easy!I know!!

As to the Magico Mini,it might be very pricey,but I've set them up,and in all honesty they are "superb" designs(I have NO agenda,as I'm lovin' my 4 guitars,and becoming a musician).This speaker is a classic case of "who cares about how low it goes",if you have a proper room,and componentry....Just listen to your damn music,and forget about industry status.Not easy...but really it "is"!

The only problem with the MINI,imo,is it needs alot of power,so you are right back where you started,as you are now most likely adding complexity in circuitry....Still,from my experience "it works"!An anomoly,and an expensive one at that,but "that's the hobby"...right?

From a personal(only) perspective,the finest simple speaker designs,requiring the least amount of power,nice simple tube amps,preferrably something like the Dehavilland 50A(an amp to die for) would be the way I'd go,but that is just my own pie in the sky.I'm more into getting this "damn" music theory down,so I can know the fretboard.

It never ends -:)

PS....just a few real beauties in good/proven designs...

Verity Parsifal,Kharma 3.2Fe....."Used" pricing will be tremendous in the value dept.

In stand mounts,there is a load of fabulous designs that can be driven easily.Too many to go into,but I know Richard Foster,and he is in heaven with his tube driven Focal Minis.

Good luck

Hi Rleff
I'm guessing that there aren't too many people really qualified to answer this question, other than maybe a few reviewers and dealers. But it might be hard to get an unbiased opinion from such a person, if they're still in the audio business.
I looked at the thread again, but I didn't see any answers that sound 'authoritative'. I'd like to hear from someone who's spent real time with some of the best of each design (planar, electrostatic, horn, high efficiency, multidriver, others) and then formed his/her opinion.