YG Acoustics or Dynaudio

I have been using a pair of PSB M2 monitors since 2004 but have recently upgraded some equipment and am thinking new speakers. Right now my focus is on either YG Acoustics 'Carmels' or Dynaudio 'Confidence' C1s or C2s. One limitation is that my present speakers are close--35 cm-- to the front wall and I'm stuck with that kind of positioning in an L-shaped room. The Carmels are a new model and I can't find a review; but the C1s have been highly praised especially in a smaller room. I would appreciate any relevant advice, particularly about YG Carmels which have some radical features. My system comprises Bryston 4BSST amp, Bryston preamp, EMM Labs XDS1 CD player, Oracle tt, with Kimber Select interconnects and cables.
I have not heard the Carmels, though I have heard the Magico V2. I would not trust any direct comparison between two $18,000 speakers, or any equipment for that matter, as set up by only one of the two designers. I can't help but think that particular demo was rigged to benefit YG, especially reading how these two designers react to each other.

I did hear a demo of the V2 at a dealership and it was the single best dealer demo of any speaker I've ever heard. (disclaimer, I now own a pair of Mini II's, so admit I'm biased) We did need to move the V2 around by a few inches to get it to sound best. My point is that if 1" movements can make the V2 sound dramatically different, how fair was that demo?

Listen to both the Carmel and Dynaudio in your own system and then decide.
Ironically, I preferred the Magico even though the demo was for YG benefit apparently.

It was close though and Magico's are a lot more I suppose. I guess that was the intent to show YG similar to Magico for less.

Again they both sounded spot on with minor differences. Its just the cost I question, not the sound quality.

The music playing was a very good female jazz vocal with spare accompaniment as I recall. It was very lifelike with both, but again I would want to hear a few more challenging things before dropping those big bucks. The sound was arguably best in show with either. Only the custom GOTO horn room was as good for me and that was a different more aggressive yet very nice sound.
Under other circumstances I would consider the Magicos but I am comparing two speakers at much different price points because the Confidence C1s and Carmels have been recommended to work well close to the front wall. My PSB M2s do that very well, and are very impressive, especially on female vocals (e.g. Diana Krall and Holly Cole) but maybe the others would be an upgrade.
Jaybo and Mapman raised the possibility of PSB Synchrony as being lower cost competitors to the YGs and Magicos. Since I am already using PSB Platinum M2s (which are the top of the PSB line), would there be any advantage to change speakers? This is an interesting point since in my opinion the PSBs punch far above their weight.
I have no experience with the YG's. Regarding the C1's, one of my dealers has sold them for years and I know someone who gave them a very careful audition up against the Dynaudio Special 25. Both sources report that the C1's are superb monitors.

The dealer said that they are somewhat forward sounding (a bit of prominence in the upper midrange) and that some people are put off by this, and he said that, being a monitor, they can't handle power like a large speaker, but that they do have more headroom than most monitors. Again, overall, he said they are superb.

My acquaintance reported that both Dynaudios are really good, but that the C1 is more refined than the Special 25.

I ran 3.3's for a few years and can tell you that Dynaudio USA very much liked Bryston amps for my speakers, saying that Dyna's like power. I would think, however, that the limitations of Bryston amps (some grain, use of negative feedback, too many output devices mucking thing up) would be more apparent with C1's than with the 3.3's, the former presumably being the better speaker.

Again with the caveat that I have not heard the YG's and do not know the details of the crossover design (which YG is intentionally vague about), the YG's appear to have a complex crossover. I like the openness imparted by well implemented first-order designs, notwithstanding their drawbacks, so on paper at least, I would expect the Dyna's to be more to my liking, but who knows.